Wednesday, February 25, 2009

my blog is a bloom

hello. you have arrived at invisible threads.
invisible threads is a blog, but i prefer to think of it as a web loom, or bloom.
(a loom is a machine or device for weaving thread or yarn into fabric).
this bloom will act as site where stories and utterances become threads that are woven and tangled together into a fabric.
invisible threads will represent not only my voice, but a collection, a composite.
a site of fusion, but also of unravel.

this bloom is a beginning...
an experiment.

the details:
i am currently working on my mfa thesis and in a state of research and experimentation.
invisible threads exists to collect stories and house language that will contribute to the work.

invisible threads seeks YOUR contributions.
please - add a thread.

how this will take form:
we can begin with stories. fact or fiction. anonymous or not.
stories should focus on the
connection between two people.
I am particularly interested in the state of abandon and intoxication of initial encounter.
that state of reverie (and loss of control) that one falls into as they become enveloped in another person in love, lust or infatuation.

the bloom is fluid and experimental...and will take shape as words are added.

in advance i truly appreciate your contributions and respect the personal reveal that might be a part of this process. if i am able and if you wish, i will make every effort to acknowledge your contribution to the project.

1 comment:

  1. I am all to humble to add mementos to a line or thread, or even a vibration to the line as the person on the other side listens. Did you want me to send you stories via email and you post on here, or did you want me to post directly on here (I'd have to be invited to be a member of this blog)?
